The partners who inspire us

Find here the list of partners who support or inspire us.

Ramana’s Garden

Ramana’s Garden offers the vision that every child, regardless of caste or creed, has the right to a home, proper nutrition, quality education and primary health care. Many children do not have these basic necessities. Ramana’s Garden offers a sanctuary for these children and support for the ladies of the community.

La vision qu’offre Ramana’s Grade, c’est que chaque enfant, quelle que soit soit sa caste ( classe sociale) ou croyance, a le droit à un toit, une nutrition correcte , une instruction de qualité  et l’accès aux soins médicaux. Beaucoup d’enfants ( à Rishikesh) n’ont pas ces nécessités de base

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World Food Programme

Les enfants des rues de Pondichéry

Enfants des Rues de Pondichéry is a French non-political, non-denominational association which was founded in 2001 to raise funds in France to help children in vulnerable situations in the Territory of Pondicherry, in South India.

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